情人眼里出西施,粉刺,面容失色及老化,在我们的审美观起到了关 键作用。
当你的皮肤毛孔堵塞产生粉刺。一旦毛孔堵塞,細菌就会滋生并引起 皮肤发炎。
抗老化是指减缓,阻止或逆转老化过程。虽然我们无法让时光倒流, 但我们肯定可以做一些事情让外观和感觉更年轻。
像所有的器官,皮肤需要的重要维生素来进行运作。而维生素D是关 键的营养素。有足夠的维生素D在皮肤,有助于减少痘痘,提高彈性 ,刺激胶原蛋白的生长,增強四射,並减少皱纹和黑斑。维生素D是 也控制了皮肤的自然免疫的重要。
Polilex的納米粒子被设计成在体内结合到维生素D受体,因 而可以作为一个替代的维生素D。因此,直接或间接地Polile x可以帮助改善皮肤肤色,弹性,粉刺和其它皮肤问題,並減少皱纹 ,细纹和黑斑。总之,Polilex是女孩的最好的朋友。
Polilex使用的美容抗衰老:每日喷脸两次,并2喷在口一次 。
Polilex & Beauty:
While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, acne, skin complexion and aging, do play a key role in our definition of beauty.
Acne occurs when the pores of your skin become clogged. Once a pore becomes clogged, bacteria can grow and cause an inflammatory response in the skin.
Anti-aging refers to slowing, preventing or reversing the aging process. While we may not be able to actually turn back the clock, we can definitely do something to look and feel younger in some way.
Like all organs, skin needs vital vitamins to function properly and vitamin D is the key nutrient. Having sufficient vitamin D in the skin helps to minimize acne, boost elasticity, stimulate collagen production, enhance radiance, and lessen lines and dark spots. Vitamin D is also important in controlling the natural immune protective mechanisms of the skin.
Polilex’s nano-particles are designed to bind to the vitamin D receptors in the body and can thus serve as a substitute for vitamin D. Therefore, directly or indirectly, Polilex can help to improve skin complexion, elasticity, acne and other skin problems, and reduce wrinkles, lines and dark spots. In short, Polilex is a girl's new best friend.
Polilex usage for Beauty & Anti-Aging: Spray face twice a day + 2 sprays in mouth once a day.
(Pls contact)
- wechat: whit3kypun
- wechat: lucaswuiwui